Meonside Farm Beavers, Marauders & Planet Padel
Beavers in the Meon Valley, Marauding cricketers, Boomtown and Planet Padel

Once elected I will be vegetarian …
We’re caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place, faced with a choice between Dishy Rishy’s Unconservative party, Son-of-a-Toolmaker Starmer’s Labour, Jumping Ed Davey’s Lib Dems, Frothing Farage’s Reform (and never forget the Greens, best beloved.)

I don’t like cricket … I love it
A sport invented in a very different era, when men were men, women were women, and five matches of five days each seemed an eminently sensible period of time to devote oneself to a recreational pursuit.

Meon Valley Marauders CC: The Potted History
MVMCC was founded one fateful Friday night in 2001